

What is it?

Coaching is one-to-one facilitation aimed at developing and individual to use their skills to deal with challenges and problems arising from disagreements and conflicts in the workplace.

Coaching is offered to managers and supervisors who find themselves having to manage a challenging or problematic situations of just want to gain skills to have challenging conversations.

Coaching can also be offered to  employees who find themselves having to cope in a challenging situation which may have arisen due to change, conflict or disagreements and in which they feel isolated and unsupported.

Coaching will raise awareness about the situation that is being experienced but the individual will need to take responsibility and ownership for their actions.


Why use it ?

By spending quality time with a coach, an individual will e able to assess their strengths, skills, goals and development areas, and work on a strategy to help them achieve their aims and or manage in the situation they find themselves in.

As coaching is such an personal experience, any individual can benefit from it.

Taw Mediation offers both/either face to face or telephone coaching.

This will start with a 20 minute introductory session to agree a method that works best for the individual, including agreeing the number of sessions, an overview of the issues, and some options.

Typically there will be at least 3 sessions for coaching to be effective and is goal oriented.